Three wins in a row

Duncan was delighted to take the top step of the podium twice today. It was his third attempt at a win that finally met with his approval this weekend at Brands Hatch after his previous Castle Combe wins were not all that he had hoped for – the first being disallowed and the second following rival Joe D’Agostino’s retirement.

Not content with the first victory, he went on to dominate Race Two, making it three wins out of three. The double win today firmly places Duncan as a serious championship contender,closing the gap in points from his third position in the table to D’Agostino in second.

Qualifying took place on Saturday with the session being effectively cut down to four laps after rain set in to slow the pace. Duncan had managed one full flying lap after being slowed by traffic before having to change to wet tyres. His lap put him on pole for Race One, but only fourth on the grid for the second race.

Today’s first race saw Duncan convert his pole position into a finish over two seconds ahead of his two main rivals, Joe and team-mate Charlie Donnelly. Race One was a classic ‘lead from the front’. Duncan put in consistent times to pull out a gap over the course of the race which was cut short by a few laps following a red-flagged incident down the field.

“I won this one fair and square” he said. “I went well in testing here and just seem to have the consistency. I got an OK start and had enough of a gap into Paddock that I didn’t have to defend. From there it was a case of putting in consistent laps and pulling ahead. I just need to go for another one now!

Another win was exactly what Duncan got – in a blinding start he gained a place before the first corner and then within two laps had passed the other two to take the lead. Then in a virtual repeat performance he reinforced his lead before a red-flag incident prematurely ended the race, with Duncan declared winner.

“It was a great race! I got my head down and that was it – no stopping me. I got a great drive at the start, took Steve (Roberts) and Charlie and Joe were still close. I put my nose in front of Joe going into Clearways – it was all a bit hairy but I pulled it off. I didn’t plan on overtaking Charlie, but I felt a lot faster than him, so I took him going into Paddock and from there built the gap. A big thanks to Jamun, including Tom and Stuart.”

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